The Washington President

The Greater Seattle Chapter of The Studebaker Drivers Club



I have to call these Scribbles The End!

The February 2025 meeting of the Seattle Chapter of the Studebaker Driver's Club was held at the Durkees on the 22nd, at 1:00pm. That meeting was to determine the future of this chapter. Fifteen people were in attendance. I conducted a meeting, and my first question was if anyone was willing to be the Vice President for 2025 That is one of the positions along with the presidency, that is vacant in our chapter. No one offered to fill these vacancies, and I was not surprised because I have been trying for months to get candidates for our vacant spots.

After much discussion, it was determined that we cannot continue as a chapter of the drivers club, and it was time to give up on trying to continue.

We had a representative there from the North Puget Sound Chapter. He accepted applications and dues money from several of those in attendance.

The Treasurer was instructed to return any dues money that had already been paid for 2025. The remaining funds in the treasury, about $3,000, are to be sent to the National Studebaker Driver's Club per the by-laws.

Thank you everyone and good bye. It has been a fun trip.

Don Andersen, Secretary

Don Andersen's magnificent '33 Pierce Arrow.

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